Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Get Out!

By Perry Jones

Leave the USA! The time has come for all True Believers to get out of Babylon. The United States is Babylon. The judgment has been decreed and is being delayed only until the number of True Believers who choose to leave has been fulfilled. As soon as they are gone, the judgment will fall. The judgment may not fall this week, this month, this year or it may be delayed 200 years, but God is not giving us the option to delay our departure. If you are going, move now! God knows there will be some who choose to remain behind. For those who make such a choice, God will be with you to the end, but you should expect to die.

Take whatever you can, sell everything else, convert it to cash. Use this cash to establish yourself in a new place. Almost any country is good, with some common sense exceptions; southern Europe, the Mideast, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Somalia, etc. If there is any country or place you wanted to visit or move to, now is the time.

Do not count on the US government to continue your Social Security, Medicare, welfare, government pensions or any entitlement program. These all may disappear.

The Rapture is due at the Last Trumpet which comes <i>after</i> the Tribulation. God is calling you now to receive His Protection, otherwise you will share in the judgment that has been decreed for Babylon.

There are some whom God is caling home now. These are mostly children and the elderly. God wishes to spare them the horrors of the judgment, therefore they are being called home now. Do not count on being called home, you are being called to get out.

Remember that wherever you go, Jesus will be there with you and when you arrive He will show you what to do next.